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Technology Corner


Materials of Cement Science Primer
Principal Investigators: Professors Hamlin Jennings and Jeffery Thomas

If you want to get "coached up" with your cement chemistry....this is the ONE piece that is a must.

Real World Technologies....


Always love when an admixture presentation ends with "...and concrete finishers love it!"  Yeah, I don't think concrete finishers love anything...maybe not even themselves, but that's a another, long story.  What our technologies offer is simply....your concrete installers/finishers will complain less!  Our admixtures are for real world projects.  No Super Plasticizers (high-range) requirements.  No extra handling or mix design changes.  No flashing.  No retarding.  Admixtures that handle about as "set neutral" as possible and still have tremendous results...a fast, permanent and reduced Disrupted Capillary System.

A quality MVRA is simply the best, fastest, cheapest and EASIEST way to defeat flooring, coatings and roofing issues ~ I have 100s of thousands of square feet of each in perfect service to date, throughout Southern California


Del Oro High School; Bakersfield, CA


Medical Suite; Culver City, CA


Viasat; San Diego, CA


Menifee Justice Center; Menifee, CA


Viasat; San Diego, CA


Viasat; San Diego, CA


Del Oro High School; Bakersfield, CA

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